Meet Sharon

About Sharon

As a dedicated public servant, Chinese woman, and mother of two young kids, I am running for office to give voice to District 3 residents, particularly working families, who want to see common sense change for our neighborhoods and city. For close to 2 decades, my commitment to serving San Francisco, particularly the underserved communities has been clear. 

  • My first career was as a municipal urban planner for a decade, including 8 years for San Francisco’s Planning Department, including projects in District 3.

  • I was an executive in the private sector leading mixed-use development and community outreach. During the pandemic.

  • I was the founding Executive Director of a homeless housing nonprofit, and built the City’s first Tiny Homes interim homeless housing community with philanthropic funds.

  • Prior to running for office, I worked for an internal NGO leading an economic development initiative to diversify the city’s economic base by growing a sustainability innovation hub to help revitalize San Francisco’s downtown.

  • I have also served San Francisco as an appointed commissioner by 3 different mayors with the Treasure Island Development Authority and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Board.

I believe all the candidates for District 3 Supervisor want change. For me, the choice is not about who wants change the most, it’s about who can deliver the change that we need. Being effective requires the ability to build agreement across the Board, with the Mayor’s office and with City Departments. My track records of public, private and nonprofit collaboration and my early endorsements from the majority of the current Supervisors demonstrate that ability.

I’m endorsed by a diverse set of leaders and community members with a very wide range of views. As a legislator, being able to build consensus with a broad range of colleagues should be an important consideration as no one Supervisor can affect change on their own.

Sharon with her grandmother in Hong Kong
Sharon with her family in Nob Hill